Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

I grew up watching Charlton Heston portray Ben-Hur in the classic movie that was one of the highest grossing movies at that point. This past summer I chanced upon an old copy of the book by Lew Wallace at a library book sale for $0.75. I'm a sucker for library book sales and that 1921 mint condition copy of Ben-Hur was easily the best find of the summer. I'm not sure I had ever really known that Ben-Hur was a book, I had simply grown up on the movie.

The book I found to be even more of a joy than the movie. Even though there are plenty of copyrighted editions available, Google does have a 1908 printing of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ available in full view to read and enjoy.

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